Winning Clients Is More Important Than Implementing Your Strategy
If you meet with a client to win an AOR (agent of record) and they don’t want to follow any of the strategies you’d like to implement, what do you do?
In this coaching video, I make the case for why it’s important to win that AOR, and THEN focus on implementing your strategies.
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In this video, I am going to answer a very important question for you. You want to win the business selling a different strategy, or you just want to get the agent a record. Hi, my name is Andy Near, a CEO and founder of Complete Game Consulting, where we help insurance professionals turn brand awareness into business growth. So do you want to win business because you’re coming in with new ideas, and you’re going to get a prospect to change what they’ve done for ten years, or you just want to get the agent record and move on from there.
I get this question all the time from producers. In fact, that just came up recently. I was talking to a client who was faced with an opportunity to win an agent, a record on a new client paying about $1.8 million in premium, which is going to net him $60,000 in revenue. But he was struggling. He was frustrated because they wanted to hire him, but stick with their big name insurance carrier, and he wanted to sell his new strategy.
So he was in a dilemma. He didn’t know what to do. Do I accept the offer because they don’t want to do what I want to do? They don’t want my strategy. They just want to hire me. And I said, listen, if you are going to deny yourself the shot at $60,000 of revenue because you want to sell your strategy, I hate to tell you you’re being kind of ignorant.
You see, the best way to implement your outside the box strategies is to do them with people who already trust you. They’re called clients, and the only way you can make people clients is by getting the agent of record. So my advice is do not deny yourself the opportunity to win revenue, even if they have to stick with the carriers you don’t like selling for a year or two, get them in the house, start making money on them.
Build the trust with the client, then you can go to work implementing the strategies you love, implementing and getting them to the destination. You know that is possible in their world. So again, let me answer the question. Do you want to win the business by selling different strategies, or do you want to get the agent a record, get the agent a record, and your strategies become a lot more realistic?
That’s my advice, you know, grow faster, make more money, and have a hell of a lot more fun doing it.
Business is no longer about who you know. Business is about who knows you. In a noisy industry like we’re in gang, you got to get people to know who you are.