The Power Of Compounding Content

We get it: you think you’re way too busy to spend time making content.

The reality is you’re not.

With the right workflow, you can create one piece of content every week and appear to be everywhere to your prospects: podcasts, YouTube videos, LinkedIn newsletters and posts, etc.

In this week’s coaching video I’ll teach you how to get started.



Video Transcript:

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You see, we know you don’t have time, but content shouldn’t have to require a ton of time. I’ve already shared in the previous lesson. Instead of trying to come up with new ideas all the time, why don’t you just document the conversations you’re already having with prospects and clients? What I want to do now is to share and show you how to repurpose one piece of content across multiple channels.

You see, if I said to you, you have to be creating content for social media. Email, your website, YouTube every single day, every single week. That would seem overwhelming. Why? Because you think every different channel has to have a different piece of content. Not true. I’m going to teach you right now how to take one topic and apply it to multiple channels.

So let’s start with video. Let’s imagine I challenge you to record a 3 to 5 minute video. And I want that video to be an education video. I want you to teach your prospect something. Remember, ditch clever dip chancy for clear. Just talk about the problems they’re dealing with today. Talk about the questions you’re getting from your prospects.

The objections. Record that video 3 to 5 minutes. Here’s what I want you to do when you take that video. I want you to post it to LinkedIn. Now you’re going to take that video, and I want you to embed it in an email that you send out to your prospects. Now you’re going to take the video and you’re going to upload it to your website.

And finally take the same video and upload it to your YouTube channel. Now I know what you’re thinking. A YouTube channel lady. My agency would never let me do this. Well, let me provide an argument for why you need a YouTube channel today. Whether you’re a producer or you own your own agency. YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world.

You need to be there. It’s where your prospects go. Search for answers. And if you’re willing to create video content, you need to make sure that video shows up on YouTube. It’s almost a requirement today, but what I’m sharing with you here is how you can take one video. All you have to do is record one video, not four, and you can apply it to LinkedIn.

You can apply it to an email, you can apply it to your website, and you can apply it to YouTube. Now you’re not a video person if you refuse to hit record on your camera. I’ve got good news about you. Write an article. What if you wrote an article once a week and you apply that article as a LinkedIn article or newsletter, which we’ll talk about in the lesson on LinkedIn.

You sent out that article as your email newsletter, and then you uploaded the article as a blog to your website. All you got to do is write one article. And here’s the good news today. We’ve got tools like ChatGPT. They’re going to help you write this thing. We don’t have any excuses anymore when it comes to content, but what this is, is allowing you to do is to repurpose one topic across multiple channels.

You see, if you’re creating video that appears on LinkedIn, it appears in email, it appears on your website, it appears on YouTube. You’re writing articles that appear in LinkedIn, appear in an email, and appear on your website as blogs. You are so searchable now that when a prospect googles, you guess what pops up. All this content and when they see your content everywhere, you just check the box of expert credibility.

And that is what is going to allow you to win those accounts. You have never been able to win before. So my challenge to you after watching this lesson is, are you willing to put the time and the effort every week to create a video or write an article or a combination of both and get it out across these multiple channels to create that searchability your business needs?

Hey, even better, why not record a video and then transcribe that video into an article? It is so unbelievably easy today to create copious amounts of content without you having to put in a ton of effort. Now you’re going to love this. If you’re a video recorder, I’m going to show you how you can take one video and turn it into a month’s worth of content.

The share strategy we use here is a complete game with my podcast, Bullpen Sessions. When I want to create a ton of video content, but I know I don’t have a ton of time. Here’s what I do. I get my studio and I record one video. Now that one video is my podcast. Normally the podcast is somewhere between 15 and 20 minutes.

If it’s me, solo. But here’s what we do with that video. That video gets edited. Yes, I have an editing team and I would suggest you do at some point as well. When you grow to the size where you are going to leverage video content as much as you can, it helps to have editors, but the job of the team is to do this.

They take that one video and they turn it into three clips. Each of these clips is probably somewhere between 5 to 8 minutes. From there. They take each of those clips and they produce three shorts from each clip. So I want you to do the math. One video turned into three clips, which turned into nine short shorts, are clips that are less than one minute in length.

Now here’s what we do. My podcast. The full video that goes up on our YouTube channel. These clips go up on our YouTube channel. They go out on LinkedIn and they go into our email newsletter. And the shorts. Yeah, those are the ones you see out on our LinkedIn. Are Instagram or TikTok. You name it every single day.

But all I had to do is create one video. I laugh because we have people tell me all the time, Andy, how are you able to create so much content? And I got to be honest, I kind of chuckle inside because all I had to do is create one video. So if you lack the time, which I know you do, and you want to create a ton of content and you want to use video as that channel for content, you can leverage this strategy.

Your business will never be the same again. Again, I’m going to ask you, are you willing to put the time and the effort into making this happen? Content is the secret for you. To create the expert credibility, you need to win your dream account. It’s just the truth today. Now. Here’s what I’m going to urge you to do.

This is a lesson I learned from one of my mentors, Rory Vaden. You’re going to be hesitant to share good content because you don’t want to be used. You don’t want prospects to take your information and give it to their advisor. I get it. But I am here to tell you today if you want to win, if you want to grab your prospects attention, you got to save the best for first.

You got to share the good stuff. Remember what I said in a previous lesson? People come for information. They pay for the organization in the application. They still have to hire somebody to do it. And if you’re willing to share really good information over a long enough time, they’re going to hire you more often than they want. Now, the other thing I want you to remember is how often should you post?

This is a question I get asked a lot from the advisors who we get a chance to work with. The only thing I care about is that you be consistent. If that requires you to post no more than once a week right now, all I want you to think about is getting consistent. Because the moment you feel consistent, then you’re going to be able to level up how much content you’re creating because cadence leads to consistency.

Consistency leads to confidence. The last thing I want you to do is tell me I Andy, I’m not posting anything today on social media. I’m not really sending out emails. And I’m going to do it three days a week. And all of a sudden it becomes a full time job and you’re resenting it. It’s not going to work.

Start small. Be consistent. I want you to start with a cadence. You can be confident with the other thing I want you to remember is he or she who teaches the most, wins the most. I was just talking to an advisor not that long ago, and he was feeling a little frustrated because he felt like he was in a saturated market.

He felt like his competitors were going after the same prospects he was going after. He felt like they were all kind of saying the same things because he’s in a very niche industry. And I said, that is the perfect time to lean in the content, because when there is noise, there is saturation. The one I see the most is the one I’m probably going to hire.

So if you put the time and effort to teach your prospects more than any of your competitors, you’re going to be rewarded. So what I would love to have you do is I’d love to have you lean into the time, the effort to create content consistently for your prospects so that you can build the credibility you need to win today.

We have clients today that are changing their careers off the back of their content. It’s not the content that’s booking the appointment. It’s the content that’s establishing the credibility, that’s giving the prospect the confidence to hire them.


Business is no longer about who you know. Business is about who knows you. In a noisy industry like we’re in gang, you got to get people to know who you are.

Time to take action.

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