In this video, you’ll uncover 3 sales traps that are keeping you from hitting your sales goals. When you know what they are you can avoid them!
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Now, when I look at the insurance industry and I think about where we have big problems today, I’m seeing a bunch of agencies, a bunch of advisors. And the same thing holds true for employers in general today that are not reaching their full potential. They are under-perform me. They know they could be better, but they’re missing that one thing right now that’s getting them to the top, that’s keeping them from reaching their full potential.
And when I look at why is that happening, I see three glaring areas. Indeed. Number one, the way we train people today is outdated. I know in the insurance industry we’re teaching new dogs old tricks. I was I was at a speaking at a conference back in October in Salt Lake City. And just like this, a roomful of insurance professionals.
And I was on stage and I looked to my left and over sitting at the far, far left table was an insurance professional in his seventies. And I looked at him, I said, Sir, how long have you been in the industry? And he proudly said, 45 years. I said, When you got in the industry, how are you trained?
He said, I was given a phone book and told to go pound the pavement. And I looked to the center of the room. There was a younger woman, probably in her early thirties, sitting right in front of me. I said, Mama, how long have you been in the industry? She said, Three years. I said, How were you trained when you got in the industry three years ago?
She gave me the same answer. So the way we’re training people is completely outdated today. The second problem when it comes to attracting clients, attracting good talent, we’re trying to speak to everybody. If we speak to everybody, we end up speaking to no one. If we’re not clear about who we’re going after, who we’re trying to talk to, we’re getting drowned out in a sea of noise.
And then the third problem right now is when it comes to acquiring new clients, we are leaning far too heavy into direct marketing. For my insurance advisors in the room. This is very true in our industry right now. Think about the traditional way of acquiring new clients. We go by a big list elite and then we just punch on left and right with emails and phone calls, and we’re constantly telling them why we are so great over and over and over again.
And this comes back to where we’re missing the gap right now in reaching our full potential as a company, as an individual, we’re missing the consistency, the confidence to change the way we’re doing things because we’re still holding on to the way it was.
Business is no longer about who you know. Business is about who knows you. In a noisy industry like we’re in gang, you got to get people to know who you are.