Mastering The Art Of Cold Calling | How I Improved My Script In Seconds

In this video you’ll learn a trick I used to improve my cold call script in seconds!



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If you decided to watch this video, there is a good chance you suck at cold calling. Welcome to the club. I was that guy that was petrified to pick up the phone. Therefore, I never did it. And in this video, I’m going to teach you what I did to help my cold calling skills greatly improve by tweaking my message. Which greatly enhanced my confidence within seconds.

I don’t know about you. Most people are not born with the skill to cold call. When I was an advisor, I hated cold calling. So when I would see that task on my calendar, I would do everything I could to avoid it. I would rearrange my desk, try to set up everything I needed to do perfectly before I made that cold call.

First call. I would go grab another cup of coffee. I would just flat out avoid it. Then when I would actually get to the point of picking up the phone, I was that advisor who would immediately hang up the phone the second I got my first objection. But day after day, I would check that box that I would make 5100 cold calls, but they would never go anywhere.

So I had to make a decision. If I am going to continue making cold, calling a part of my prospecting strategy, which I recommend you do. I had to get better. You see, you can’t avoid cold calling unless you had a place in your business where you are 100% referrals. Cold calling has to be a part of your strategy.

It’s what they refer to as the cold 1 to 1 strategy. It is a part. It is a part of how you create outbound reach to try to book more appointments. However, if you struggle as to what to say, how you should message your script today, this video is going to be super helpful for you because when I sat down and I made that decision, I need to get better at the art of cold calling.

My challenge was I just didn’t know what to say. And it was when I read this book Building a Story brand that every chain, everything changed because it helped me develop a much better script so I could be more effective with the prospect on the phone, which greatly increased my success rate at booking appointments. So here’s what I did when I sat down and I thought about who my ideal prospect was.

I took time to answer the following questions. Number one, who am I trying to target? CFOs. Directors. Who is going to be my ideal target? Number two, What is their goal? What are they trying to accomplish? Number three, what is the problem? My ideal prospect is running into today that is, keeping them from achieving their goal. Number four What’s my process that I use to help my ideal prospect overcome their problem and achieve their goal?

And number five, what does success look like when I help my ideal prospect overcome their problem? So I would take these five questions. By the way, today in our complete game marketing playbook, we call this the five star prospect profile. When I took this script and I applied it to my cold calling, my ability to book more appointments with the art of Cold calling increased immediately.

So here’s what it sounded like. I would jump on the phone with a prospect, and if I got around the gatekeeper and I actually got the chance to talk to the prospect, I would say, hey, John, Andy NEARY Here is now good moment to be calling. At that point. John is either going to say yes or no. If he says no, I’m going to say, do you mind if I call you at another time or I send you an email?

If he says yes, what do you got? I would go right into this script. John. I work with CFOs in the Denver market who are trying to control their health insurance crisis, but they’re frustrated right now because everything they have tried in the past doesn’t seem to work. And they’re getting to a point where they just feel like this is a hopeless cause.

Well, I have a process called Empower Health that helps CFOs bring control, stability, predictable ability to their health insurance budgets so they can build a better health insurance plan without breaking the bank. And I want to see if you had 15 minutes to show you what some of your peers are doing to overcome this challenge. When I wrote out that new script, which was nothing more than telling my ideal prospect story, my cold calling immediately improved.

And quite frankly, I started enjoying it. Now. I started out as a two of two out of ten by now, after you the formula, maybe I was a seven out of a ten, but man, I became a lot more effective with cold calling. And when I saw that time block on my calendar, I didn’t sweat so much anymore.

So my advice to you, if you are struggling with cold calling, you can’t avoid it. It has to be a part of your strategy. But take the time. Sit down. Write out your ideal prospect story using the five star prospect profile I shared with you, and I promise it is going to help you elevate your script and your confidence to go out and make more cold calls within seconds.

Business is no longer about who you know. Business is about who knows you. In a noisy industry like we’re in gang, you got to get people to know who you are.

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